
Monday, January 16, 2023

January - National Hot Tea Month - 2023

Take the opportunity to pour yourself a cup (or two or three or) of hot tea during the month of January, and celebrate National Hot Tea Month. Even though we are experiencing milder than usual weather in PA this month, a pot of properly brewed tea (with a cookie alongside) is the perfect solution to the winter blues.

“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.” - Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living

“Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.” -
Bill Watterson, The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book 

“Tea! Bless ordinary everyday afternoon tea!” - Agatha Christie
What are you drinking during National Hot Tea Month?

Friday, January 6, 2023

Epiphany - Three Kings Day

 And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. - Matthew 2:11

Epiphany, or Twelfth Night is the perfect time to join the kings in a symbolic gift giving. A small token of tremendous significance, I tuck a bit of the precious gums into a golden sachet that will mail easily. For presentations, I spray small jars with gold paint, fill with frankincense and myrrh, then attach a label-card. To release the ancient perfume, melt bits of resin in a discardable tin on low heat or place it in the hot wax gathered around the wick of a burning candle as you enjoy the waning holiday season. It is the essence of Christmas.

Excerpt taken from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal

Frankincense and Myrrh and the TwelveMonther Herbal are available at The Rosemary House.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Year in Review - 2022

January - Herbs, Teas, and Gifts. Our specialty at The Rosemary House
February - Happy Valentine's Day Tea and Décor

March - Happy St. Paddy's Day!

April - Seeds arrive, and herb plants, too. Welcome Spring!

May - Penn State Graduation Day on Mother's Day. Congratulations, Angelica!

June - The Queen's Tea

July - Happy Fourth of July

August - Vacation in Tennessee, lunch at Graceland with the family.

September - the Fairy Festival after Labor Day

September - the Tea Festival in the gardens

October - Happy Halloween!

November - Holiday Teas begin after Thanksgiving

December - Merry Christmas! Family Time in Hershey.

Another memorable year - it's hard to pick just one photo to capture the experience of each month! Looking forward to 2023, a year full of herbs, teas, and adventure!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Alfred's Victorian, Middletown, PA - Afternoon Tea

This stately Victorian mansion, built in 1888, and located in Middletown, PA was our destination for a celebratory end-of-the-year Afternoon Tea. In operation since 1970, it has been declared a National Landmark. Alfred's Victorian Restaurant offers fine dining throughout the week, and Afternoon Tea on Saturdays. Our gathering of family and friends, all instrumental in the operation of Sweet Remembrances, enjoyed an afternoon tea hosted by owner, Robin Pelligrini. The spirit of the holiday season was prevalent in the decor throughout the mansion.

Once seated in the Burgundy Room, we were presented with several pots of a black spiced plum tea. Salad was the first course and consisted of crisp lettuce greens, apple pieces, dried apricots, nuts, and a delicate poppy seed dressing. Two varieties of warm scones, cinnamon and apple spice, were presented in a wicker basket and placed at each end of the table. Cinnamon butter and a fruit spread accompanied the scones. When our teapots emptied, we were served Nutcracker Sweet and later, Snowflake. 

Individual plates with a variety of tea sandwiches came next. The cucumber tree in the center of the plate stole the show. It was surrounded by a fresh cinnamon swirl bread with a cream cheese filling. The mixed rye and pumpernickel bread held sliced cheese and a savory onion filling. The petite fillo cup was quite tasty with a cheese and jelly combination, and the deviled egg was garnished for the season.
Desserts completed the offering with a Mary Berry Cherry Cake. Assorted smaller treats were also on the plate; red velvet cookie, snowman macaron, and a gingerbread truffle snowman.

 It was a special holiday treat to be able to sit down and enjoy the companionship of family and friends.
Not only do we appreciate our family and friends, but we are thankful for all of our customers that visit The Rosemary House and Sweet Remembrances throughout the year. May 2023 be filled with joy and good health, much happiness, flavorful herbs and spices, and endless tea times, too. Happy New Year!