
Friday, November 2, 2007

Barn Stars

Hanging on the side of our barn, are two unique barn stars, one is wooden and the other a handcrafted metal star. Barn stars originated from German farmers who would hang these ornaments on their barns. The symbolism behind the star was varied, although some farmers believed they were similar to horseshoes in that they would bring good luck. Other stars might signify the builder, being utilized as a trademark or signature by the builder of the barn. Others simply were used purely as decorations.
Although barn stars can be traced back to early America, around the 1700's, barn stars gained in popularity after the Civil War. Originally, barn stars were built directly into the barn during construction, and then later they were made as a separate entity, usually of wood.
Today, barn stars are still being made by local craftsmen. The wooden star shown was hand crafted by Fred Will of Somerset County, PA. You can contact our friends Barb & Fred Will via email at for information regarding these creative stars. Present day barn stars can be found on homes, businesses, and other out-buildings and are considered a sign of good luck and good fortune. We enjoy the simple beauty these barn stars represent, but will certainly accept any good fortune they may send our way.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved barn stars, but I didn't know the history. Thanks!


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