
Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Room With A View

Take a peek into my world... this is my kitchen window where I can gaze upon our gardens during the many hours of preparation I spend in the kitchen. At times it is hard to imagine that we are located right downtown in Mechanicsburg, PA, but indeed we are. The view from this window changes with the seasons, but what the picture doesn't capture are the activities of the chipmunks, squirrels and the occasional hawk, the sounds of all the birds (morning doves, blue jays, cardinals and many varieties of sparrows), and the fragrances that fill a herb garden during the year. The gazebo in the far corner provides a peaceful respite when we take the chance to sit and simply reflect. The kids enjoy an impromptu snack or tea party there when the weather is nice. Our garden also has a fish pond with the picnic table situated right beside it. The gardens are actually three distinct gardens, one behind each building, but they do blend one into the other rather cohesively. The garden located directly behind The Rosemary House is a typical English garden with up and down brick paths (placed by our father Byron L Reppert when the shop first opened) and assorted herb beds. The garden behind my home and the tea room, Sweet Remembrances, is considered a low maintenance garden as it consists of raised beds with a large open area in the center where we can entertain guests as necessary. Susanna and David held their wedding reception here on a very hot July afternoon. The third garden is behind Susanna and David's home and is a mix and match garden where anything goes. It has a large hand built wooden fort on stilts for the kids with a sandbox area underneath, there is an antique tub garden, and other fun things like our teapot tree (that's another post in itself). The three gardens form our little haven which we are happy to share with others. The gardens are open to the public from dawn to dusk, and it's not uncommon to see people strolling the gardens, pointing to the bird houses on the barn, or the collection of wind chimes hanging in the tree. Tucked in The Rosemary House garden the whimsical fairy garden can be found, and if you believe, you might even see a fairy playing amongst the thyme plants. And, there is a beautiful tribute bench to owner and founder Bertha P. Reppert, mom, in the Peace Garden. It's a special world out my kitchen window. I'm happy to share it with you!


  1. What a beautiful view out of your kitchen window! Simply lovely!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Nancy...I saw this when I left a post earlier today...(so sorry this is from an old post). What a beautiful site from your kitchen window...your place sounds like a wonderful haven...loved the write up!



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