
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

~Friends Helping Friends~

Whenever I'm working in the kitchen, one of my nephews favorite expressions is "I can help." He loves to help cook dinner or bake a cake and many learning opportunities take place while having fun in the kitchen. Here's an opportunity for all of us to help others in need. We're taking a break from our seed-planting series to ask for your help in supporting a friend and her simple request for a very worthy cause. Here is her request - please take a moment and sign in to support her cause. She provides the link below to do so.
I (Valerie Zagami)am a volunteer with the ARC of Northern Bristol County, a non-profit association serving individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. We have submitted a project to Hamburger Helper ( to help us with a new kitchen in our building. This would allow cooking classes and basic home skills to be taught and shared with others. Please take a moment to send in a comment to the link below.With a little help from our friends we may be chosen as part of this project. The site will be up until the end of March, when they pick 12 projects to fund. The competition is high, but we can try. The direct link to the site is submit a comment in support of this project and pass it on to others for their help as well. Thanks! Valerie Zagami on behalf of: The ARC of Northern Bristol County,141 Park Street, Attleboro, MA 02703

1 comment:

  1. I am familiar with ARC - a very worthy organization! Thank you for supporting this! I'll go do my part.


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