
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Apprentice Gardener Night

This past Friday evening was our all-important Apprentice Gardener night. We have three distinct gardens behind our businesses. The Rosemary House garden is a traditional English cottage garden, the garden behind Sweet Remembrances is considered a low-maintenance garden, and the garden behind David & Susanna's home is a whimsical garden. Although no mowing is needed, each garden has its own requirements to keep it under control during these growing months. In order to provide some extra hands for this garden maintenance, Susanna created Apprentice Gardener night where volunteers help in the herb gardens for about 2 hours. Many hands indeed make light work. There is a lot of weeding, trimming, planting, weeding, pruning, cutting, weeding, etc. that needs to be done; and it is done cheerfully by these volunteers. We rely heavily on the extra help we receive on these 6 Friday evenings scheduled April thru September. The benefits our gardeners receive include a herbal supper, surplus seeds and plants, a 10% discount in the shop the night they help, and a real learning experience. It is a fun event, and many of our Apprentice Gardeners come back year after year, affectionately referring to it as 'weed and feed'. Our menu this past Friday started with a Fresh Spring Garden Salad (all local, organic produce), followed by Meatloaf and Byron's Potato Filling. Dessert was a Chocolate Frosted Chocolate Cake with a raspberry chocolate filling. This menu, a favorite of Susanna's, was a continuation of her birthday celebration week.

~ Thank you to all our Apprentice Gardeners ~ we do appreciate your help!

1 comment:

  1. Weed and Feed--how cute! I wish I lived a bit closer. It sounds like a fun time. And the menu, yum.


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