
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just Plain Fun to Read

In March (2007) I traveled to London, England with a group of tea enthusiasts. I hesitate to say fanatics, but there is a certain amount of truth in that word also. It was an unbelievable experience, memorable to this day, and totally coordinated and organized by Denise of Tea In London. She is, by the way, hosting another trip in March of 2009.
In addition to a collection of souvenirs and memories, a strong friendship and camaraderie developed among the participants. Although we didn't know each other before the trip, we knew we shared a common thread - tea and the bond it creates. Today, we are scattered across the United States, still in touch with each other privately via email, communally via a small yahoo group, and daily via our personal blogs; updating each other about family, sharing accomplishments, or just plain chatting.
My roommate for the trip, Linda, from Kentucky, and author of the Friendship Tea blog, has bestowed a blog award to my sister and I. We graciously acknowledge this recognition (our first blog award!), and we share in passing it on to Denise, who has recently developed her own blog, Uniquely Tea, which happens to be!
(Photos~ Top: Nancy and Linda in The Bramah Tea & Coffee Museum; Bottom: Linda & Nancy in The Crooked House of Windsor)


  1. I am humbled by your lovely post and by the receipt of this award, Nancy - also my first! Thank you so much!

  2. I think fanatic is definitely the word! :-) Congratulations to you!

  3. How fun! Congratulation!
    And I always like seeing pictures of you at tea.

  4. Tea fanatics, enthusiasts -- whatever we are called, we had an awesome time on the Tea In London 2007 tour. Nancy is the best roommate ever!!!

  5. I loved this post! So nice to see you and Linda together at tea. Congratulations on your award! It's well deserved!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Nice award! I know the Tea in London trip must have been wonderful! Thanks for sharing.


  7. As my 13-year old son would say, "OMG!" England? For a tea tour! How awesome! What memories you must have!

    I'm visiting through the Blog Hop! It's so nice to make your acquaintance. I am enjoying my visit.



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