
Monday, July 28, 2008

A Taste of Spain

What does a culinary artist/tea room owner do with a free day? Play in the kitchen (!) and prepare a Spanish feast for dinner! With Don Quijote and Sancho Panza in my thoughts, nothing is impossible. The menu, to include a variety of Tapas (Spanish appetizers), Gazpacho, Paella, and Flan is a favorite around here, but requires a fair amount of preparation to make, so we don't have it often. Inspiration has struck, and tonight's the night! The cookbooks are out, the grocery shopping is done, the gazpacho is chilling while the clams and mussels are soaking (to plump and also to remove any sand particles), according to Penelope Casas the author of Tapas and The Foods & Wines of Spain. These two cookbooks provide a wealth of information for a Spanish themed dinner. In addition to great recipes, they are full of additional hints and tips for a successful meal. I always rely on them when making this meal. We'll share photos of the meal tomorrow, hopefully!
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  1. Nancy,
    What a perfect meal for you to make. I still remember your Don Quixote room.

  2. Nancy,
    As a former Spanish teacher, I can't wait to see the pictures.
    I have just awarded you the Brillante Blogger Award. If you choose to accept please post it and pass it on to 5-7 other blogs, list their links and list 5 things about yourself.


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