
Friday, August 1, 2008

If I could, I would

Sharing tea with a few special friends would be my wish today. Denise, at Uniquely Tea has posted a most delicious looking chilled rosemary tea on her blog today. If I had just one wish, I would love to be sitting on her porch in SC, sipping tea and sharing memories of our trip to London. If I had another wish, I'd visit Meredith at LikeMerchantShips where she shared a sweet post about our Mother's book, Growing Your Herb Business. We would sit and chat, talk about herbs and tea, and share notes on how to be frugal. And, hoping I'm not being greedy with my wishes today, but I'd love to share a pot of tea with Pat at YourTeaLife. Pat is the former owner of Civil-La-Tea and now has an online business to keep her busy. She recently acknowledged our blog with the Brillante Blogger Award, Thanks Pat! And, I look forward to the day when I can again share a cup of tea with Linda at FriendshipTea, similar to the setting shown here that we shared together!
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  1. Isn't it great how bloggy friends can become people we would like to sit and have tea with...

  2. I wish you were here, too, Nancy! Thanks for such a beautiful "wish"!

  3. I love your Mother's book...and I was so happy to have stumbled across your blog a few months ago. It's always a good read!

  4. Nancy, is this your lovely tea set? It evokes such feelings for me --- as one in this pattern was given to me, piece by piece over time, by my mother-in-law. It had belonged to her Aunt Pansy. Both women have passed away, but I think of them so fondly each time I use the tea set. I have service for four --- everything except the teapot. Maybe someday I will be able to complete the set.

    Nice post. . .

  5. Nancy, thank you for including me. This is one of my favorite photos I took on our trip to London. I fondly remember sharing this pot of tea with you and look forward to sharing another pot sometime soon!


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