
Monday, October 20, 2008

One Year Anniversary ~Blog Giveaway!

In anticipation of our one year blogging anniversary, we have selected two gifts to give away to our loyal readers! We started our blogging journey on October 28th of last year. We are excited to share two of our favorite Rosemary House products with our friends.
Susanna has selected this beautiful comforter; exclusive to The Rosemary House, as her choice. It features the many different uses of her favorite herb, Rosemary, sacred to marriage, bees love it, ancient symbol of friendship, and for remembrance of course. There's even a small Rosemary House logo in the corner.

Nancy is offering a copy of her Recipe Collection which features 200 tried and true recipes that have been served and enjoyed in the tea room during the first 15 years of operation. She will also include two original Rosemary House products - Roastmary and the Mayor's Magic Mustard Mix. These two seasonings are used in several of the recipes.
Capture the excitement of cooking with herbs!

Beginning this week, thru midnight (EST) October 27th, any one who posts a comment on any blog post will have their name tossed into the hat for the drawing of these two gifts. Post as many times as you like - each comment is an entry into the contest. On October 28th, two names will be drawn from the hat. The first name selected will win the comforter, and the second name selected will win the cookbook and herb seasonings. We will announce the winners on Oct. 28th; our First Year Anniversary post. Unless you have a Google/Blogger identity, please include your initials and/or name, city and state, in the post so we will be able to distinguish you from other participants.
Good Luck!


  1. Congratulations on blogging for a year! The gifts are lovely, anyone would be thrilled to win! I hope you enjoyed the cards you won on my blog giveaway Nancy!

  2. Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! Visiting your beautiful blog for several months inspired me to begin my own blog in January. Both of the gifts are very special.

  3. Wow a one year anniversary! Wish I lived close and I'd help by celebrating in your tea room! I also love herbs. God is good, isn't He? Creating herbs for us to enjoy. Blessings as you enter your 2nd year of blogging!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary! I recently found your blog and look forward to spending time savoring it :) Please enter me in your generous giveaway. Thank you! Sharon D.

  5. What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) I am so glad you enjoy your book mark! I do offer wholesale drop shipping in case you would ever be interested in carrying any of my tea items! :-)


  6. You started my blog for me. Your blog has truly inspired and entertained me. Whoo hoo! One Year! Congratulations!

  7. Amazing! One year, I can't believe it. You have inspired me. Congratulations on one year.

  8. These are so great! I have been a fan of Rosemary House since the early 90's, when I picked up Bertha's book "Growing Your Herb Business" at a Barnes and Noble. I am an active herbalist, and the book is worn and has a million notes in it. Thank you for carrying on your Mother's wonderful tradition! Happy Anniversary!


  9. Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary! I love the throw (could use one tonight - it's COLD here in Charleston!)...and a collection of Nancy's recipes would be a wonderful gift! Thank you for such an interesting blog!

  10. What beautiful gifts. I would love to be entered in your drawing!

    Thank you!

  11. Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! I rarely comment on a give away, but this is so wonderful, I just have to toss my hat in the ring! I established a larger herb garden in our back patio area last summer and this summer it just took off! So much joy! I just brought my rosemary inside because I doubt it will survive the winter - I am so blessed to have my herbs doing well - not I just need guidance on using them more creatively! I made some raw honey into lavender honey yesterday and wish I had more blossoms to make more .... mmm! Thank you for your beautiful blog!

  12. I love your roastmary have been using it for years. I moved from pa to Ct and still have people get it for me and send it to me. Jane

  13. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I just found your blog today after the lovely post you made about our autumn swap. This has inspired me to start a blog of my own. Thanks Stephanie

  14. Congratulations. I enjoy your yummy
    pictures and great food,decor and garden ideas.

  15. Congratulations on blogging a whole year! I have enjoyed each and every post; I have learned so much from you. Keep up the good work!
    Kathy L Ignacio, CO

  16. What a delightful way to celebrate your first blogging year! I enjoy stopping here nearly as much as I enjoy stopping by The Rosemary House. Congratulations!

    Anna, Mechanicsburg

  17. Congratulations on your blogaversary. Rosemary House is one of my favorite memories. I visited many, many years ago as part of a delightful herb bus trip organized by your parents. Love your blog.

  18. Congratulations on your successful blog. Please continue to inspire and enlighten us with your sharing and joy.
    Lady D'Onne

  19. Way to go! Glad you made it through a year and keep on going. Love all your pictures.

  20. congratulations on your anniversary! the gifts are so beautiful and generous also! oh if i have a fairy godmother i hope she can arrange for me to come to your beautiful tea room someday. enjoy the feeling of accomplishment i am sure you are feeling! peace, love, and light to you!

  21. i am very proud of all you have done and accomplished with your entertaining, lovely and informative blog! congratulations on a job well done! the gifts are just lovely and generous too! peace,love and light to you!


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.