
Monday, December 22, 2008

Station Master's House Decorations

The Museum Association in our town owns and maintains four buildings, one of which is the "Station Master's House". The station master, George Zacharias, oversaw the trains coming through the town. At one point there were 75 trains a day running on two tracks! Passenger trains, freight trains, mail trains, you name it.
The little house is from the 1840's and these are some of the Christmas decorations the museum volunteers put together. Charming.


  1. I remember visiting the Station Masters House. How beautiful to see the decorations.

  2. Oh, trains - how great.

    I hope you have a very special holiday. Stay warm!

  3. Lovely post, thank you. My Grandpa worked on the railroad for almost 50 years. He started out shoveling coal in the steam engines, later became a breakman, then worked in the caboose (and became a great cook!). He retired as a conductor on the Burlington Northern. Trains are special to me!


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