
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Presentation - Beautiful

Translation- I Love You!

Every Valentine's Day, this quick and easy cake is served to family and friends. The sharp contrast of the beautiful red cherries against the rich white frosting is just striking. Named Cheery Cherry Cake, it is suitable for Valentine's Day or President's Day!
To make this cake, simply prepare your favorite white cake in either heart shaped pans or round layer pans. While the cake is cooling, prepare the frosting.
Whipped Frosting
1 c. Crisco
1/2 c. margarine
1/4 c. evaporated milk
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1 lb. confectioner's sugar

Mix Crisco and margarine, cream well. Add milk, vanilla and sugar. Beat together for approx. 5 minutes. Frost cake. With remaining frosting, pipe shells around the bottom and top edge of cake. Chill. Just prior to serving, top with a can of cherry pie filling.

May I cut you a piece?


  1. Yes, I'll take an extra large piece!

  2. Oh would I love a piece. It looks so good.

  3. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS CAKE! Yum..........thanks for sharing it at Friends Sharing Tea!


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