
Monday, March 9, 2009

Lemon Curd - Microwave Style

Traditionally, lemon curd is made on the stovetop... requiring a rather tedious amount of continuous and attentive stirring. However, the microwave style of making lemon curd makes this process somewhat easier. To make lemon curd,
gather your ingredients....
1 c. sugar, 3 lemons, 3 eggs, and 1/2 c. butter, melted.
Remove the zest from the lemons, being cautious to only zest the yellow skin, and place in a 4-cup microwave safe measuring bowl. Squeeze the lemon halves, until you have 1/2 c. fresh lemon juice. Add to the lemon zest. Whisk in eggs, melted butter and sugar until well blended. Place in the microwave, and heat for 4 minutes; whisking after each minute. Microwave times might be different depending upon your microwave. The curd will begin to thicken, and 'puff' up as it cooks.
Cover and chill in fridge; where it will keep for about a week. A dear friend tells me that she freezes her homemade curd. Thanks for that tip, M.E.!
Enjoy with oven fresh scones!
Additional uses for your lemon curd include using it as a filling in miniature pie or tart shells. I also like to use it as a topping for a lemon verbena cheesecake. Spread it evenly over top of the chilled cheesecake before cutting. Delicious! And it's always a great addition alongside a slice of gingerbread cake.
How do you use your lemon curd?


  1. great post! thanks so much! i plan on sharing this with a friend whose favorite dishes always included lemon curd!i believe he has even put it on ice cream!lol big hugs :)

  2. Mmmmm! And I'm sure it's just as tasty as the long method!

  3. Great photos showing the steps in making your "famous" lemon curd! I remember years ago my mother served a warm lemon curd with slices of her sour cream pound cake and gingerbread. She probably didn't know what a scone was.

  4. Thanks so much for the recipe! I have always purchased my lemon curd (gasp!), but this recipe seems too easy NOT to try.


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