
Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Contest Time - Week 6

Welcome to Week 6 of the Herbal Blog Contest! This week, enter to win a .15 oz. Healing Wand from Prairieland Herbs! These healing wands contain herbally infused certified organic olive oil, locally produced beeswax, vitamin E, essential oils of tea tree and lavender, and are the perfect size for your pocket, purse, or diaper bag. They work wonders on cuts, scrapes, rashes, burns, dry skin, hangnails, etc. To win one of these useful and natural healing balms, simply enter by posting a comment in response to this blog entry and take a chance at winning!!! Don’t forget to include your email addy so we can contact the winner! The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.
Prairieland Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Natures Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal
Garden Chick
SunRose Aromatic
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti's Potions
These blogs are all participating in this weeks contest. Visit each one to post a comment and increase your chances to win the herbal healing wand this week!

Keep coming back and keep entering. We have some great prizes coming up, and we'll be having the contests until the middle of May!
Congratulations to Jules @MoonCatFarms ~ she is our winner this week!


  1. thank you for an opportunity to win these wonderful wands! they would be very convenient! i love their name healing wands! hugs :)

  2. Your blog inspires smiles this morning in Wisconsin. Susan and China sent me, and I was immediately bathed in memories when I saw the photos of the shops since my late husband was raised in the area. You are experiencing what would be the first spring for us if we traveled to see his family. We'd stay and then return home to see signs of spring here; lovely to have two springs! As it is, we're to have wintry weather for the weekend! Sue

  3. What a wonderful gift! Please count me in. Thanks so much!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  4. My healing wands always seem to find their way into someone's purse or diaper bag. I need more of them.


  5. So glad I found your blog. I follow Susan Wittig Albert's blog and followed on over here. Adding you to my blogroll to keep following.

    I'd love a chance to win.

  6. What a handy thing to have in the diaper bag! Great idea!

    fillynn (at) juno (dot) com

  7. I have never seen these before, but they sound neat! Hangnails? How does that work?

  8. These sound marvelous-my hands take a terrible beating. Please add my name to the hat,
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  9. Very nice! I'd love to win these.

  10. count me in! i have 4 active kids and this would be great for all those oopsies :)

  11. Connie ArmstrongSunday, April 05, 2009

    I had never heard of this product before. It certainly sounds like one I will need to check out!

  12. What a lovely give away. I'm entering my name and crossing my fingers that I win.

    craftygardener at xplornet dot com

  13. Count me in, please!

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  14. My family could really use a great Healing Wand balm for all those cuts, scrapes and rashes they get from being oh so very active especially during the summer months. We'd love to try this. Thank you for the chance.


  15. Please enter me in your drawing. I would love to try these as we are always getting scrapes and scratches out with the animals. Thanks.

  16. Please add my name. Thank you.


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.