
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tea Cup Girl

Sheet music... Tea-Cup Girl, by Weston Wilson... for sale at all Music Counters or direct from the publishers - 35 cents post-paid ~ 1921

Far, far away there is a garden, by the China Sea, There sits a maiden telling fortunes, o'er a cup of tea; Ah San is her name, Sets my heart a flame. Under the cherry blossoms there, 'neath balmy skies of blue, She'll tell you pretty stories of your past and future too; I'll go back some day, And to her I'll say: Tell a fortune just for me, I plea, Ah San, O'er your tiny cup of tea, beside your fan; If it doesn't say I love but you, it isn't true, For no one else would ever do. And you know I have a doubt, about your heart; Won't you give me just the slightest little part? Tell my fortune in your tiny cup of tea, And tell me does my little teacup girl love me? Some people tell a fortune by the lines up on your hand, Some use a crystal ball to see the future you command; These I don't believe, Really they deceive. If it is romance I am seeking, to Ah San I go, And in a blossom scented garden whisper soft and low, Tell me now I pray, What the tea leaves say? Tell a fortune just for me, I plea, Ah San, O'er your tiny cup of tea, beside your fan; If it doesn't say I love but you, it isn't true, For no one else would ever do. And you know I have a doubt, about your heart; Won't you give me just the slightest little part? Tell my fortune in your tiny cup of tea, And tell me does my little teacup girl love me?


  1. Ooooh, I am SO jealous! It's lovely!

  2. Thank you for such good Information, Really appreciate the work done by you.....If you are a Tea Lover just like me.....Please Check out the blog mentioned below its really cooool !!!!!!!

  3. beautiful! thanks for sharing this! hugs :)


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