
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fairies and Festivals: Spoutwood Farm

Over the May Day weekend we were vending
at the Spoutwood Farm Faerie Festival.
This is an annual huge three day event
honoring the plants, and the earth with entertainment, music,
maypoles, tea parties, drumming circles and much more.


  1. Haven't been to Spoutwood in years! Glad to see they are still doing well.

  2. P.S. Angelica is getting way to grown up!

  3. Love the images! I was at the festival, and it was awesome.
    I was wondering if I could link to the one of the Green Man Clan (with credit of course) for my blog.

    Sadly, the pictures I took didn't turn out as nice as yours, and the Green Men were pretty neat. :)

  4. Maebius, Yes, of course, you can link to the one of the Green Men. They are one of my favorite parts of the festival! They came through and blessed our herbs. I like the moss man too...

    Nancy, Angelica is indeed growing like a weed. She loves to get her hair braided at the festivals and that is what she is showing off.

  5. ah wow, i wish i could have gone to something like this, seems lovely!


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