
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's a Show Stopper!

The water iris in our little pond is in full glorious bloom right now. It beckons you to come to an immediate stop and admire the spectacular fuchsia blossoms, not just once, but every time you happen to walk past it. And since the pond is right outside our kitchen doors, we happen to walk past it pretty frequently during the day...
talk about putting a smile on your face! They are spectacular right now, and we are enjoying it!
BTW... Susanna thanks you for all the wonderful birthday wishes last week.... and Nancy thanks you for all the great comments about the Queen's Tea. We enjoy and appreciate your thoughtful remarks as much as we admire the beautiful water iris ~ with heartfelt thanks!


  1. gosh, i thank you for sharing so much of your lives with me! this water iris is gorgeous! how cool it is situated so you can enjoy it so often! thanks for sharing about it! i learn so much from your blog and thoroughly enjoy it! hugs :)

  2. The water iris are beautiful - love the color - and what a lovely pond. I might go outside more if this was right outside my door. ;=)

  3. The water iris is so pretty! I just love looking at ponds-they make you feel so peaceful!

  4. What a beautiful water iris...the pond is pretty too...I would love to see an overview picture of your entire backyard...all of the snippets here and there makes one "wanting more!"



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