
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We Love WWOOF'ers.

WWOOF stands for Worldwide Workers on Organic Farms. While we aren't a farm we are organic and do appreciate willing workers so this is a program we participate in! Basically, the workers come and live with you for a bit - we host for 4 to 10 days - and while they are here they work in the gardens or in the shop. All the while they are learning about herbs and eating well. This merry month of May we had three different workers. First was Amber, she was from San Diego and was spending the summer on the East Coast working on farms, community gardens and in church camp. Among other jobs, Amber worked hard on our Peace Garden - weeding, thinning out, adding new rocks. She also used her creative skills on making little hens and chick shoes for sale. Thank you Amber!
Next was Aparna, from Portland Oregon, Aparna came to The Rosemary House to study medicinal herbs. We made tinctures, salves, and infused oils between weeding, watering and sweeping. Aparna weeded, thinned and planted our silver garden. This bed is planted with silver foliage plants in galvanized buckets and cans. She also spoiled us by preparing our afternoon chai break! Thank you Aparna!
Last but certainly not least was Ibti. Ibti managed to leave before I snapped her photo in the garden. Ibti is traveling around the USA by bicycle and along the way stopping at community gardens, urban farms and more to learn about sustainable living. Check out her blog A Bikeable Feast about her wwoofing adventures and her incredible journey across the United States. Ibti was happy in the kitchen and I noticed Nancy was happy to step aside and let her cook away. So when she wasn't weeding and planting the basil garden, or making lavender soap, Ibti was preparing spinach pesto and Thai stir fry. Thank you Ibti!

Come stroll the gardens now. After these tireless women toiled, there is hardly a weed in sight! 'Course it rained last night and you know what that means.....


  1. What a great program. It was wonderful that you were able to share in the experiece on the receiving end, but also giving these lovely women life experiences.

  2. wow, what a lovely way to make new friends and both sides equally benefit from the experience! awesome post and program and i appreciate you sharing about it!! hugs :)


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