
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blame it on a Fairy!

The Knot Fairy and The Sock Fairy that is! We were pleased to welcome Author Bobbie Hinman of Best Fairy Books to Sweet Remembrances this week for a special event. Our Fairy Tea was preceded with a reading of each of these entertaining books about mischievous little fairies who are responsible for mismatched socks or putting knots in your hair while you're sleeping. These two clever books include an audio CD with words and music that feature a tinkling sound of the bell that lets children know when it is time to turn the page.
The children gathered round Ms. Hinman as she read each story, producing special surprises from her fairy boxes. With a wave of her magic wand, she was able to bring smiles to the kids faces! The whimsical stories were both entertaining and enjoyable. These books are available for purchase at The Rosemary House. In a few weeks, The Bellybutton Fairy will be added to this collection of enchanting children's books.


  1. These fairies must be the ones responsible for taking all of Arielle's pacifiers away. (I am pleased to report that Arielle is managing quite well without them!)


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