
Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank You Yuki!

We received a very sweet comment today from Yuki, in which she stated "I like to read your wonderful blog and I have an award for you :) After following the link she provided, I discovered that Yuki, posting from Russia, has a blog entitled Moon is where the cat is....
And, on her blog, she graciously bestowed upon us this award with this explanation:Rosemary's Sampler: Как бы я хотела когда-нибудь посетить магазинчик Сюзанны и чайную Нэнси
Thank goodness for Babel Fish and computer generated translations! Loosely translated, Yuki said: Rosemary's Sampler: As someday I would like to visit Susanna's small shop and enjoy Nancy's tea.
Thank you Yuki! for visiting our herb shop and our tea room, even if for the moment it is only via the Internet. Perhaps someday you will be able to travel to Pennsylvania! In the meantime, we will continue to share our journey and our love of herbs and tea...our specialty on this blog.


  1. I received that award too. Isn't her blog interesting - cats, themoon and unusual music -
