
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Poor Man's Barometer - Pimpernel

Along about 8 a.m. pimpernels are willing to get up. The pimpernel goes one step further, it not only tells time, but it also forecasts the weather. Called either the "Shepard's Weather Glass" or "Poor Man's Barometer" it closes for the day as the atmospheric pressure changes and bad weather approaches. The flower, from which the "Scarlet Pimpernel" of fictional fame took his sobriquet, is a charming weed popping up here and there. When it comes to our garden we always allow one to stay and tell the time or predict the weather.

Photo courtesy of The Essential Herbal. One of our very favorite magazines.


  1. I've never heard of a pimpernel although I knew about the Scarlet one. Very interesting! There are rain trees as well -- trees that predict rain. They will turn their leaves so that the bottom is upward -- awaiting the rain. There is not one specific kind -- just some trees do and some don't -- we have a rain tree across the street from us.

  2. what an enchanting little flower! i don't think i have seen one before! i will be keeping an eye out for this one. thank you for sharing with us :)

  3. What a very interesting little plant. I don't think I've ever seen this. Thanks for the photo.

  4. I would like one of those plants! That way when hubby asks what the weather is going to be like I can send him outside to look!!! Actually his elbow does a pretty good job!!!! The other posts on flowers were quite interesting too, and I had a moonflower this year, my very first!

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