
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Please Do Not Disturb

the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles
you may see on the shoreline.

These honu can usually be found basking in the sun, or resting on the black sand beaches along the shoreline. The turtles are brown all over, grow to about three feet in length and can weigh up to 400 pounds. Their name, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle (honu), originated from the color of their body fat, which is green from the vegetation they eat from the rocks on the shoreline.
Originally hunted by the Polynesians and other Pacific Islanders, the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles are now protected by state and federal laws. They are listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


  1. What a sight! Thank you for sharing!

  2. What incredible pictures!! Amazing!! I especially enjoyed the top two photos - showing them plastered out there on the beach...they look a bit exhausted! Too cute! Thanks for sharing!
    Donna (IA)

  3. How exciting to see sea turtles. I love seeing animals not normally seen in nature at home. I remember seeing a turtle swim by us in a sail boat when we were in Hawaii. It was just a short glimpse; so this is exciting to see up close.

  4. We got a laugh out of seeing "Turtle Crossing" signs in Maui, but found out they were serious. We waited but never saw any.


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