
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Old recipes... collections of tried and true recipes, or not... written by hand, clipped from the newspaper, scribbled on any piece of scrap paper and saved, or acquired from family and friends..This is only one of our Mother's recipe notebooks, stashed away in a closet, only to be discovered again.
Notice the date, and her comment on this orange cake recipe...Delicious! 1974... orange cake happens to be the Old Boys favorite, so several orange cake recipes have been saved. And to this day, notes and comments appear on recipes that have been made. This last recipe (orange cake, again) has a newspaper clipping attached to it that announces a family dinner that was held at our Father's brother's home. It is noted that they served rabbit and pheasant! It also lists the family members present, and reading the guest list, Marj, Nancy, and Susanna were not present, dating this clipping to sometime between 1948 and 1950, when dinner parties were indeed newsworthy.
(Double click on the photo to read the newspaper clipping.)


  1. How special to find this!! It looks so organized too...My poor children will find snippets of recipes from the newspaper and notes scrawled on napkins, a very unorganized shoe box! Only "I" know how to find some of them! ha... Thanks for sharing!
    Donna (IA)

  2. Very, very cool! Your parents were and are very special and it is wonderful that your mother was organized in an herbal way!

  3. I love finding treasures like this! How very special for you! I found several similar newspaper clippings in Aunt Ida's and my mom's things. I also have their recipe books, clippings and boxes.

  4. You do have a very special treasure. Your mom's hand writing reminds me of my mom's hand writing. When we lived in Kansas they still did write ups in the paper like this. We even were mentioned a time or two. What fun!

  5. What a wonderful keepsake. I would love to have some of my Mom's recipes written in her own hand. I do have a few newspaper clippings that mention family members other than my Mom.


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