
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lady Lisa & Her Traveling Museum

Our speaker Lady Lisa Lewis brought along her traveling museum of Victorian Clothing. She had a small sampling of many items including bloomers, drawers, corsets from child size to large size, many hats and more. It was a fun display of all true Victorian/Edwardian clothing. No reproductions here. Do you know the first clothing item a Victorian lady put on? Her stockings and shoes because once the corset was on you could no longer bend over to button the shoes. The hats used so many feathers especially ostrich feathers that the National Audubon Society was started in 1920 in part to protect the birds from the milliners.

It's all in the detail. Lady Lisa will be back again next spring with her collection of Victorian Bridal wear.


  1. Oh, what a facinating program for afternoon tea!

  2. Her collection is simply gorgeous! Looks like a great time! We are jealous here in the seems all the pretty historical clothing our out East! ha... What we find are worn out farm clothes! ha... Donna (IA)

  3. Oh, what a fun topic and such beautiful things.

  4. Lady Lisa's collection is exquisite.. and her program presentaton is wonderful - jp

  5. I would have loved this afternoon. How fun! I am sure your guests were enthralled.

    I have a collection of childrens clothes. Joey decide to climb up one of the dresses and now it is so pretty. Shame on him.

  6. I would have loved to be at your tea room for this!

  7. What a lovely and interesting presentation - something I would have enjoyed very much.


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