
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sharing the Garden

Sister Carrie was here over the weekend. An avid gardener, she is always looking to expand her home garden. Any of the plants you have that have spread into a large clump are especially easy to share with others by simply digging out a small clump and dividing the roots,
such as this clump of garlic chives. Chives, mint, lemon balm, monarda, echinacea, violets, hostas, thyme, catnip, comfrey, and many other plants lend themselves nicely to root division.
Carrie wrapped the plants in a tidy little newspaper package which will help to keep hubby Phil's car nice and clean. Finished with the garlic chives
and off to gather the horsetail.....


  1. Nice photos. I like the way Carrie packaged the root divisions - and she looks like she is having fun too.

  2. Ah I do have a clump of chives in my herb garden. Just bought some rosemary as I forgot to winter mine over and it died.

  3. I need to come and rob your garden of a few things too. Now if only you were nearby.

  4. thank you for these great tips!


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