
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Terrariums & Dish Gardens

The members of Penn-Cumberland Garden Club had a workshop late last year to create terrariums to exhibit in the recent flower show. There was also a class for Cactus and Succulent Dish Gardens. Here is a selection of entries from both classes.
These classes are featured in the horticulture section of the flower show. Additional entries in horticulture included many types of Daffodils, African Violets, Branches of Willow, Red bud, tulips and more.

First place dish garden above, and another dish garden shown here,

And the Blue Ribbon (First Place) terrarium.

While these are considered horticulture there are points given for overall effect, which includes design elements.


  1. I remember years ago making them in bottles and all sorts of containers. Fun! I like the one with the stones, I think it was first place.

  2. There is an award for you on my blog!


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