
Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Hopping

Susanna and Nancy have been out and about today on our Traveling Herb Seminar (sponsored by The Rosemary House) to Pittsburgh. While in Pittsburgh, we connected with friend and fellow blogger, Lemon Verbena Lady. She has already posted photos on her blog and shared about our first stop at the Rodef Shalom Biblical Garden where we toured the beautiful garden and enjoyed a herbal luncheon from Sweet Remembrances. Be sure and visit her blog for a peek into our adventure. Our herb shop and tea room also made an appearance on Bernideen's Blog today. Although we haven't met Bernideen, we hope to some day. Her herb garden and gift shop (in Colorado) are at the top of our wish list of places to visit! She wrote a lovely blog post today about our side-by-side businesses and the tea room cookbook.

Thank you to both Lemon Verbena Lady and Bernideen for your kind words! You have made us both feel very special!


  1. I was so happy to see you all. I am sorry I couldn't stay the whole afternoon. Glad you had a safe trip back! Come back and see us!

  2. Just stopped by to say hello. I hope life is going well. I already made a stop at Bernideen's, so now I should visit Lemon Verbena Lady. Lemon Verbena is one herb I love in the summer.

  3. It is always fun to meet fellow bloggers. The Traveling Herb Seminar sounds great and I enjoyed seeing the Biblical Garden. Thanks for the link.


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.