
Friday, July 23, 2010

Rodef Shalom Biblical Botanical Garden

Pennsylvania's original Biblical Botanical Garden is located on 5th Ave in Pittsburgh. This garden features more that 100 temperate and tropical species. Irene Jacobs was a motivating force behind this urban botanical garden nestled in next to the Temple. While small in square footage the setting creates a desert, a waterfall, and the Jordan river which meanders from Lake Kineret to the Dead Sea. The labeling of the garden was excellent. White labels indicated species mentioned in the Bible and referenced scripture as well. Brown labels were plants that did not have a direct correlation to the Bible but had a biblical connotation in their name. Example: Jerusalem Artichoke.
Wheat, Barley, Millet and many herbs grown by the ancient Israelites are featured along with pomegranates, olives, dates, figs, cedars, cypress, tamarisk and more. In the streams were lotus, water lily, papyrus and rushes.
Lovely and educational with a wee bit of humor too! This trip was part of our Traveling Herb Seminar held in June 2010. Our next tour, in September, is to Washington DC. Won't you join us?


  1. Being a great lover of garden art, I enjoyed going through your blog. Keep on posting.

  2. I would have so enjoyed this trip!
    After a trip to Israel in l999 I did flowers of the Bible wreaths at my store.

  3. This looks like a fun trip. I always love visiting unique gardens when I travel. Love the humor too.

  4. I had never heard of this garden and am extra grateful to learn of it here. Thanks for the info and great photos!


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