
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Teacup Thursday

Tucked around the tearoom are a wide variety of teacups. Can you spot them?

This precious little teacup frame holds a delightfully vintage photo from the very early '60s. Alas, the youngest, Susanna, isn't even around yet. The cute curly headed kid on the right is Nancy.
This is one of my favorites featuring a young Cedar at one of his earliest tea parties. His head just barely cleared the table.
And this teacup frame holds a picture of Mom at the Rose Bowl that featured Penn State and another team. Although she much preferred seeing the floats being constructed for the parade, she got in the spirit on game day!
Visit Miss Spenser's Special Teas for additional Teacup Thursday participants.


  1. Hi Rosemary,
    You have many charming tea pots, teacups, and family photos too. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day.


  2. Love the photo of your mom at the Rose Bowl. Brings back some happy memories of being part of the surprise.

  3. How touching! We feel we know your Mom "through you"!

  4. I love it...your home is so looks like the house of a friend!! I do hope we can have tea there one day and enjoy your pictures in the teacup frames!!

    P.S. I didn't know you had so many curls!! Darling!!

  5. Very clever teacups! I don't think I have noticed teacups quite like these before. Great collection!


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