
Friday, December 10, 2010

Bottlecap Art ~ CreativiTea

Our annual Holiday Festivi-TEA this year featured a fun and easy craft followed by an elegant tea party to reward ourselves for all our hard crafting work! This year we transformed bottle caps into charming pins or useful magnets. We cut picture designs from recycled Christmas cards but if you would like a spiced theme, use a whole star anise and mustard seeds to create a charming pin.
To make these little gifts, you will need: Christmas card fronts, pins or magnets, bottle caps, a one inch hole punch, and Mod Podge brand dimensional magic. Simply punch out cute faces or scenes from the cards. Double face tape them into the bottle caps. Add a coating of Mod Podge, popping any bubbles that may appear. Allow to dry 3 hours. Add a magnet or pin to the back and enjoy! This craft was declared one of the easiest ones we have done over the years!


  1. What a cute idea. I am going to do these with my grandkids. Thank you.

  2. What a cute craft. I'll have to try these - I already have all the supplies.


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