
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Landis Valley Tavern Kitchen

At the recent Landis Valley Herb and Garden Festival, held at the Landis Valley Museum , this herbal vignette was spotted.In the foreground is a basket of hops ready to be brewed into ale. On the windowsill is a Rosemary plant ripe for snipping. There is also the fragrant and very lemony lemon verbena.
Today's meal was cooked on the cast iron dutch ovens in the fireplace. Pies, herb butters and more. A thick and hearty chicken vegetable noodle soup is being served up by Peg.Here, a ham and egg pie.

Resting after a day of chores.


  1. I love fruit scented plants. I currently have lemon balm and pineapple sage.
    What a wonderful old kitchen!! But these little glimpses into life long ago make me appreciate all I have now. Can you imagine having to grow everything or risk starvation? Prepare it yourself, or your children go hungry? Skin your own squirrel meat, dry your own herbs, pull your own water from the well, spin, weave, build your own house.... And I think I'm busy.

  2. Nancy: The July issue of The English Garden has an article on lovage by Judith Hann, Pres of the UK Herb Society and runs a herb cooking school.....I thought of you!

  3. An herb and garden festival sounds absolutely delightful! What wonderful events you have up there in PA!


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