
Monday, May 2, 2011

Sweet Violets

A sure sign of spring,our garden is full of these precious little violets, popping up all over the place. This fragile little 1909 publication, Sweet Violets, includes a variety of short poems about friendship by authors such as Emerson, Plato, and Longfellow. Even George Washington is included, 'True friendship is a plan of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.'

Another example, Deep within a shady dell Violets were hiding. Take them, now, and let them tell Of friendship all abiding. So may joys shine forth to-day, Shedding fragrance on your way! ~Ellis Walton.


  1. What a lovely old book. We have those little violets growing all over the shady parts of our yard. I love them!

  2. Your photos are just beautiful, I always love visiting your blog!
    We're ankle deep in pretty little violets here too- they are our state flower in Illinois :)

  3. Ooooh - what a precious book, and how cleverly you've managed the photo there!

  4. I think violets are my second favorite flower -- and that's behind the queen of flowers, the rose, so that really shouldn't count! The violets have already come and gone here in Georgia, and I meant to make that pretty violet jam but just didn't have time this year. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy the violets just a little longer!

  5. How very lovely they are! Mine are blooming too - I am sure they are bursting forth across the country. Your post was lovely!

  6. Yummy...I want the bread! Flowers are nice too.


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