
Monday, July 11, 2011

Lovely Lavender

Lavender comes in two basic varieties Angustifolia (including lavender Munstead, Hidcote, Twickle, Jean Davis and others) it has a sweeter scent which is considered the best for culinary purposes. These plants are smaller plants and bloom earlier.

And Lavender Intermedia (which includes hybrid varieties such as Grosso, Dilly Dilly, Provence, Spike and others), sometimes called Lavandins this variety smells a bit more camphorous. However their yield in essential oil content is considered about 10 times more than the Angustifolias. These lavenders are generally used for crafts, soaps and cleaning products. They tend to have much longer stems and are a very robust plant, growing to 3 feet by 3 feet and often living 15 or more years.


  1. I love both types --- the first because they bloom earliest in my garden --- and the second because of the strong "lavender" fragrance and how large they grow. I have one lavender plant that is at least 4' x 4' and about as tall. I need to replace it with something smaller (location doesn't welcome one this large), but I cannot bear to pull it out.

  2. Mmmm. I love lavender! I have a spray for my pillow. And sachets in my drawers. There are a couple of wonderful lavender farms near where my sister lives... she goes to the annual lavender festival, but I never seem to be visiting at the right time of year. I need to plan better.

  3. Lavender grows really well here in the Pacific Northwest! And I was stranded at a lavender field over the weekend. They happened to be having a festival, including scones and tea. No joke.

  4. Thanks for the info, because that will be helpful when I'm looking to grow lavender next spring. The lavender plants I bought at Lowe's this year just burned up even though I watered them diligently!

  5. Our community is having their Sequim Lavender Festival this week...the whole city is decked in purple and there is lavender EVERYTHING available! They had a Swiss Chocolate Lavender ice cream last year that was to die for! We had some 3 days in a row! LOL! Don't you love the scent!

  6. Beautiful lavender. I am so enjoying our 20 plants this year. Now I need to start doing something with them.


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