
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friends in the Garden

While preparing the garden for winter we spotted this Praying Mantis.  Camouflaged well in the plants, it will devour any insect that comes near.  Named "praying" mantis because of the way the front legs are folded as if in prayer, it should be named "preying" mantis since is preys on any insect and even small frogs.   A praying mantis eats any insect and doesn't differentiate between beneficial and harmful insects.   It is still welcome in our garden.


  1. I like your comment about the "preying" mantis, because now I will remember that fact! (Sorry to have OD'd on comments today, but I'm catching up with blog friends after finishing all my recent deadlines!)

  2. This summer in Missouri they had a similar bug and referred to it as "pole bugs".....maybe a cousin but? I brought one back to Colorado with a grandaddy long legs in some perenials I bought. Poor bug- in high altitude many bugs don't like it here!

  3. I love meeting friends in the garden!

  4. How fortunate you are to have him visiting your there.


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