
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tea Around the World - Japan

My penpal always sends me a nice assortment of teas from Japan, mostly green, sometimes Matcha-latte, occasionally a black tea, or as she refers to it "English tea". They are always packaged in beautiful paper bags complete with preparation instructions on the reverse side. I love the accompanying photos with the instructions.  Even though I probably don't I follow all the steps precisely, I do end up with a delicious brew.


  1. What fun!What a sweet friend you have.Denise

  2. Thank you and Hello! I just learned at the NW Tea Fest that the pros call Japanese teas "grassy" and the Chinese teas "vegetal" - and that those two are unique to one another. Cool, huh?

  3. What a treat to receive gifts of tea from your special penpal. Recently I have tasted a blended green tea of Matcha and Genmaicha and really liked it. I am not a fan of Matcha, but mixed together it was just delightful.

  4. I just read your international tea reviews. What a great idea. Have you ever tried tea from Georgia in Eastern Europe? They grow tea there as well as grapes and many fruits.

  5. Yes, I like the illustrations too!


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