
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog Giveaway! ~ Dainty Dining ~

December!  In celebration of the month of gift giving, we are happy to offer this new tea related book, Dainty Dining, by Angela Webster McRae. Angela, an award-winning journalist and freelance writer from Georgia (and long distance blog friend), also pens the blog Tea With Friends.  She has been researching the history and collecting vintage recipes from America's department store tea rooms, many you might recognize; Gimbel's, Hess's, Nieman Marcus, and John Wanamaker, just to name a few.  The factual history documented in this creative publication is not only interesting, but informative.  The photos that accompany the familiar recipes, inspire me to make them!  Some are even photographed on the original china dishes.  Picture postcards of the department stores are scattered throughout the book, along with other memorabilia that Angela has found; copies of old menus, advertising flyers, and other fun treasures.  This book was obviously a true labor of love, well researched, well indexed, well laid out.

A great addition to any tea enthusiast's library, I immediately ordered a copy for myself.  When the book arrived, Angela had included an extra copy to share with our readers.  If you would like a chance to win this book ,please leave a comment on this post between now and Sat. Dec. 3rd.  We'll announce the winner on Sunday.

For additional information about department store tea rooms, Angela has launched a new blog, Dainty Dining.  There is also a link on her blog to order your own copy.  Be sure to check it out! 

The winner of this Blog Giveaway is Garden of Daisies!  Congratulations!


  1. I'm sure some of these recipes will end up on the delicious tea tables at the Rosemary House.

  2. What a great book. Some of my first tea room visits were Department Stores.

  3. Please enter me in your drawing. This looks like a wonderful book!

  4. Oh my goodness...I have been meaning to get one ordered, have just been too busy! Crossing my fingers...I am sure it's a good one. I read that Yonkers tearoom is featured...that was here in Des Moines. ~Donna

  5. Wow what a great idea and name. My tea party business is "D'Onne's Dainty Teas' I'd love to have a copy to use and display.

  6. I follow both you and Angela's blogs and would LOVE to win the book! How sweet of you both!

  7. I'm a sucker for a good tea book! Having chai as I write this!

  8. Wouldn't it be a neat idea for department store tearooms to catch on again?! :) Lifting my tea cup and crossing my fingers!

  9. I would LOVE to win this book! So excited for Angela!

  10. Looks like a grand book to own! Such a nice give a way.

  11. I would love to enter into this drawing, please! I love anything about tea, don't really have a book about it. This looks really interesting.

  12. sarahbythebay@gmail.comFriday, December 02, 2011

    I would love to see if the tea room in Miller & Rhodes is in this book!

  13. oh this is wonderful!!! I have been meaning to buy this book but i don't know where I can find it here in India. The cover page itself looks so good.. I cant wait to see the secrets to a great tea party. So could you please include me into the draw as well?

  14. Oh please do count me on this one -- the book looks delightful and the perfect compliment to my "tea" library! :)

  15. I can't wait to read Angela's book! What a great addition to a tea lover's library!

  16. Please enter me...I'd love to win and read this book. I work at a tea shop and I'm always looking to get my hands on any new things involving tea :)

  17. is this give away international as i live vin france? if not i have a tea friend in the states, who would love to have a copie! thanks for organizing this!

  18. This looks like a wonderful book!

  19. Please enter me. Thanks for the chance to win one of your books.

  20. I'd love to be entered and receive this book. Angela always posts the nicest, yummy recipes!♥♫

  21. I'd love to enter your giveaway!! It looks like a wonderful book. I'll have to pop over to Angela's blog.

  22. How delightful it looks! What a fun read.

  23. Thank you so much! I was so happy to learn I had won the giveaway! The book arrived today and I'm having fun reading about these regional stores and their tea rooms.


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