
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Journals and Such

This fun little tea themed photo album holds years of tea time memories.  The journal underneath it documents the experiences, the decor, the design, the food presentation and the good times enjoyed during countless tea room visits over the years.  In the beginning I was much more diligent in noting the tea rooms that we visited, and now the photographs of tea room visits are stored on the computer instead of in the photo album and the tea room visits are documented on this blog.  The memories, whether in the journal or on the computer, are still priceless.
The photo below was taken  at the Black Rose Tea Room in Hanover, PA in October, 1998 with a friend.  We enjoyed a Tomato Basil Soup that I noted to be very thick, very flavorful, and topped with a Parmesan cheese garnish.  The soup course was followed by the three tiered tea tray.  The bottom tier held crunchy cranberry pecan scones, two each.  Warm, very nice.  The middle tier had pita bread filled with Stilton cheese, pears, and currants, a nasturtium leaf sandwich with spring onion, and a tine ham and cheese quiche.  The top tier included apple crumb square, chocolate covered, cherry, pumpkin bread with lemon cur, a chocolate filled shortbread cookie and a mint candy. This tea room was noted to be 'our favorite' at the time. Although I didn't describe the tea, I selected one called Whispers from Heaven and my friend chose Victorian Garden. 
At the time, even now, I will get anyone I can to join me for afternoon tea.  There are years worth of visits to tea rooms across the state and beyond.  My sisters, my brothers-in-law, the nieces and nephews, along with my dad, and friends make up the memories held within the pages of the photo album and the journal.  It's fun to turn back the hands of time and remember the many opportunities to take tea that have been enjoyed.  And exciting to discover and visit tea rooms that haven't been experienced before!


  1. Great photos and great memories and isn't time flying fast!

  2. What a great way to remember some wonderful tea rooms and those you shared tea with. That is really nice. Your blog is such a joy to read and I am learning a lot about tea and all things tea related. Thanks. Deb

  3. What a lovely book of priceless tea-time memories!

  4. Like you, I find myself organizing tea visits and notes on the computer instead of in a scrapbook or album now, but I do love the whimsical design on your album. However we record the teatime memories, I sure do enjoy making them!


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