
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

The following excerpt is a page from our mother's book,  Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal where she highlights her favorite things, and upon reading them, I am reminded how very similar we are to our mother. Mom's favorite things: Visiting a well clipped knot garden...Making wormwood wreaths...Watching winter birds at the feeds in the snow...Bird songs at nesting time...The sound of rain against windows...Pansy faces, smiling at me...Purple...Little girls in jumpers and tights...Small Boy Scouts on parade, carrying flags...A gloomy day with nothing scheduled...Noisy holidays when everyone comes home...Family, close friends, laughter and love...Hyacinths in February, in pots, blooming...A letter from my sister...Bach's B minor mass, in its entirety...Wearing my "sheep to shawl," plant dyed...Embroidery- and the time to embroider...A cold bedroom, warm comforters and snuggling...Markets, especially farmer's markets, anywhere...To feast my eyes on earth's bounty...Borage growing lustily in a crack in the pavement...Strolling cool damp woods on a hot summer's day...Golden witchhazel threads glowing in a winter woods...Walking barefoot in the grass...Sunny fields of golden mustard...or dandelions...or goldenrod...Church bells peeling the Angelus while I'm working my stilled garden...
Wishing everyone a very special Happy Mother's Day! Hope you day is full of love and laughter, family and friends, birds singing and church bells peeling.  Love! Love! Love! Love!


  1. Wonderful things to love told with wonderful words.

  2. A wonderful mother who raised four (not just you two) wonderful independent women! I'm lucky to be inspired by her each and every day. A great herbal blessing! Happy Mother's Day to you both! xxoo Nancy

  3. Looks to me like your mother's sweet legacy continues to flourish!


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