
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Baltimore Herb Festival

The Baltimore Herb Festival is a 25 year event, held the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.  It is in Leakin Park, within the city of Baltimore.  The vendors are in a mile long circle around the park and the customers have gotten very clever over the years at bringing, wagons, totes and more to haul their purchases out.

 They roll in empty.  Circle the herb festival for the day.

And roll out full!
  This building is the little Chapel in Leakin Park. The Baltimore herb Festival has over the years raised enough money to purchase a new roof and has built the charming herb garden around the chapel.


  1. What fun! I enjoyed your photos.

  2. This reminds me of a garden plant sale we usually go to in May here at a fair grounds. Definitely the same look with the empty carts going in and full coming out. We missed it this year because of travels, but next year I am sure we will be back there and come out with a full cart.

  3. Wow, 25 years! Holy Cow! It is a great event and again, wish we were closer! Thanks for sharing those carts.

  4. The Baltimore Herb Festival looks like a great event. It was fun to see the carts coming and going.

  5. These are all very creative means for transporting herbs!! And I can see why people would need more than their two arms for hauling plants. This is one of those times that the old folding metal shopping hand cart on two wheels that we used to drag to the open air markets when I was a kid, would have come in handy!

  6. How very optimistic -- and with good reason, it appears!


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