
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Knot Gardens

 I thought this little herbal knot garden was just so unusual.  Typically, knot gardens are made with germander, boxwood, thyme all meticulously trimmed into a tidy little knot.  This pair of  knot garden which were located at an entrance into a RI nursery green house had tri-color sage, silver thyme, lavender and purple basil.  Although my photos make it hard to spot the interweaving knot formation, look closely, it is there!
For comparison, below is a more traditional or formal knot garden from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in NYC.


  1. These are so pretty! Right now, with all the heat and little rain we've had, mine is more of a "Not" Garden!

  2. Always trying for the knot garden! This may be one I can do! The herb garden was torn up when I was there last time! Thanks for sharing as always and getting me started blogging! xxoo Nancy

  3. Very pretty and I can see it the best in the top picture. Love the creativity.


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