
Friday, August 17, 2012

Lazy days of Summer

Meet Friskie, one of three orphaned (now spayed, neutered, and, I guess, adopted) garden cats.  It's rough being a Rosemary House kitty.  You have to be cute for the  customers and let them pet you.  And you have to test out every batch of dried catnip by first chewing on it and then napping on it.  And then you have to catch mice but you get in trouble if you catch birds. . . .


  1. How fun to see Friskie in your garden. Yes, they do have their duties to fulfill! I hope he meets his end of the bargain.

  2. Garden cats are the best! My cat is a garden cat and gets very nervous if we try to coax him into the house. He's old now --- and has worn a pathway around the perimeter of our acres. He too loves catnip, mice, and sigh --- birds.

  3. My 4 kittties say meow, mrrrow, mowmeow, mowooooow and the garden kitty says thank you very much for feeding me.


  4. Nice your Blog is good :)


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