
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


While traveling in England, I first heard about Macarons, the delicate French confection that consists of petite colorful almond meringues sandwiched with a soft sweet filling.  They are nothing at all like Macaroons, with two o's.  Since then, I've been hearing more about them, seeing fabulous pictures of them on blogs, and drooling over Lauderee's colorful variety of flavors.  And then, Angela at Tea With Friends shared her success with making Macarons, and ever since, I've wanted to try my hand at these delicate little cuties, perfectly suitable for the tea tray.  Angela  posted about her experience in January, and ever since, my desire to make them has been stewing!  Then, one day while shopping in ACMoore, I happened upon this fun little recipe book with detailed instructions, beautiful photography, and a myriad of recipes, and into my cart it went. 

So, I finally took the plunge and made my first batch, lemon macarons with a mascarpone filling.  Simply, Yum!



  1. They look beautiful, Nancy, and I'm sure they taste even better!

  2. Yum! I love the lemon flavoring. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh they look just perfect and beautiful. GOOD JOB! I bet they were yum for sure!

  4. Beautiful!! Lemon is my favorite flavor.

  5. They DO look perfect Nancy. Well done!

    Was it a very difficult process to make these?

    Macaron's are certainly popular now everywhere you go.

  6. Very brave of you! I get them when I see them, but don't think I'd be brave enough to try making them! Congratulations!

  7. Oh, I'm clapping here! Isn't it so fulfilling to finally make something like this and have success? I'll bet yours were just delicious!


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