
Monday, September 24, 2012

Wick Farm at Jockey Hollow National Park

Henry Wick's prosperous 1,400 acre farm was home to Washington's Continental Army for three very harsh winters (1779-1782).  The army built rows of log huts.  The Army consumed more than 600 acres of trees to build shelter, cook meals and heat the huts.  During the harshest winter (1779-1780) the Wick home itself served as the headquarters for Aurthur St Clair, commander of the Pennsylvania Line.   National Park Service of New Jersey, operates this site.
The Herb Society America Unit  of Northern New Jersey, works to maintain the Wick House Family Gardens.  The vegetables and herbs grown in the garden are those you would have found in a Revolutionary Era family garden.    The labels in this garden were excellent.  Large wood pieces, painted white and then the common name of the plant, its use, and its Latin name were all on the large, easy to read (without bending over) label. 

A large garden with vegetables, herbs, a few flowers, beverage plants, broom corn (to make booms), medicinal plants and more.  It was a fun visit.

Shown here, Rhubarb, also commonly known as Pie Plant.


  1. This would be a fun place to visit. I love historic farms and villages especially if they have an historic garden too. What a treat to have one in your state.

  2. I never knew Rhubarb was also known as Pie Plant, but I can certainly see why. I would have enjoyed this tour too!


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