
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Candy Corn Cookies

This adorable Halloween Cookie idea was discovered on Pinterest, a bulletin board for categorizing ideas, recipes, dreams, and thoughts. When I 'found' this one, it was immediately stored on my Halloween board, to be found again when the time was right. Well, the time is right now! We made and served these at our Halloween tea last Sunday, and will make a new batch for this Sundays tea.

Pretty easy to make, the recipe yields a large amount (about 5 dozen) of bite size cookies.  You simply make a sugar cookie recipe, divide it into three clusters, tinting one cluster orange, the other yellow, and leaving one cluster the original color of the cookie dough.  That gets layered in a small loaf pan and then placed in the fridge until firm.  Then, slice the loaf into 1/4 inch slices, and then slice each piece into triangle.  Simply bake and enjoy!  The recipe and additional instructions were shared on Fake Ginger.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Great idea for us cookie lovers who are also candy corn lovers! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. How fun! Those are darling and so perfect for the season!

  3. They look delicious. What a beautiful presentation!

  4. The cookies are perfectly suited for Fall/Halloween, and Tea Time! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  5. Nancy:
    Please come do a link with these for Open House - they are wonderful!

  6. Those cookies would be perfect for teas this time of year. Thanks for sharing!

  7. These cookies are just adorable! Thanks for sharing how to do them.

  8. These are *perfect* for a Halloween Tea!

  9. I really like candy corn anything. These are adorable and look pretty easy too. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Candy Corn is always a favorite of mine,... in decorations and food! Those cookies are so cute and I love the taste of sugar cookies.

    xoxo Bunny Jean


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