
Friday, October 5, 2012

Random Tea Room

We journeyed to Philadelphia earlier this week to attend the World Tea East Expo, a gathering of tea enthusiasts, hopeful tea business owners, and peers.  It provides the opportunity to advance your knowledge about tea, to network, to rejuvenate, to connect with friends, to sample tea, and sample more tea, and meet and greet familiar names in the world of tea.  Before we went to the Expo, we planned to visit a few tea locations in Philly.  One of our stops was the Random Tea Room located on 4th Street.  Open six days a week, sadly, we were there on Monday, the day they are closed.
Billed as a place to restore the spirit and wow the palate, they offer a variety of teas and the chance to sit and relax.  Also a curiosity shop, there is a wide variety of fun stuff!  Peeking in the window offered a glimpse into what could have been a fun place to find a new trinket!  Alas, it was not meant to be.  Monday was our travel day, and the only day that offered the most time to get 'out and about' in the city.  It certainly looks like a fun place.  We were not the only ones standing forlornly on the doorstep, another patron stopped by for a spot of tea, only to be turned away by the closed sign.


  1. So glad you got to go to Philly for the Tea Expo, Nancy. Is it something you would return to again next year, and recommend to others?

  2. It looks like a fun tea room. I'm sorry it was closed. I have had this happen to me SO often! It seems like Monday often is our travel day when we are on vacation --- and tea rooms I wish to visit are closed --- so instead I take pictures from the outside and peer through the window. :( So far I haven't had a lot of success with getting the family to alter travel habits.

  3. I understand that tea room owners need time off too, but oh my, how disappointing!


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