
Friday, October 12, 2012

World Tea East - Philadelphia

Our trip to Philadelphia was for the express purpose of attending the World Tea East expo at the Pennsylvania Convention Center the first week in October.  This is a 'must-do' experience for any future and or established tea related business.  In addition to attending, Susanna was one of the seminar speakers, expounding upon Geo-Location Target Marketing.

Tea Display by East Indies Company
A few of the seminars that we attended included Branding, Messaging & Marketing a Tea Business presented by Peter Martino of Capital Teas, and also Steep Social Media Without Getting Bitter by Verna L. Hamilton.  There was a Focused Tea Tasting of Oolong Teas of China and Taiwan that was both interesting and informative.  The subtle nuances of the various Oolong teas could be noted in the samplings provided.  Overall, it was a very interesting conference.  In addition to the seminars, there was a trade show where we were able to connect with various tea vendors, sample tea infused ice creams, try a wide variety of teas, and hob-knob with tea professionals.
Lorna Reeves, editor Tea Time magazine
Elizabeth Knight, John Harney, and Nancy Reppert
Evenings were free to savor the taste of Philadelphia where we opted to try a mozzarella basil pizza.  Delicious!  Barb Will of Sugar Grove Herbs in Somerset, PA joined us on this adventure, as did Janet Young of Over The Teacup.


  1. Thanks for sharing your positive comments about the World Tea East Expo. I'd like to attend next year, if possible. It looks like it was a very enjoyable experience for you and Susanna. Did you get to see Jane Pettigrew?

  2. Oh what fun!! Makes me want to open a tea business!

  3. Looks like you had a great time; that pizza is making my tummy growl and I already had breakfast!!

  4. How fun to be joined by Barbara and Janet. Glad you were able to be a part of this special event. Loved seeing the photo with two of my favorite tea people, John Harney and Elizabeth Knight.

  5. Looks like a fun time, and I'll bet you came home with lots of new ideas!


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