
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Decorating made simple

A thin scrap of board cut in the triangular shape of a tree forms the basis for this holiday decoration.  The board is then tightly covered with chicken wire which is your mechanic to hold all the holiday greens in place.  Next choose a variety of short stem greens and holly and then tuck and poke the stems of all the fresh greens under the chicken wire.  Simple, easy and quick.  Save the board to use year after year.   If you soak the greens in a bucket of water to condition them, they will stay fresh looking outside through New Year's or inside the house for 2 weeks.


  1. Wow! Beautiful and simple! I love this idea. Thanks!!'

  2. Do you have a special technique to make the tree stand up?

  3. What a terrific and doable idea!

  4. I love this idea. Thanks for sharing it with us. It is beautiful!


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