
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm a Little Teapot

This newer publication (1996) of I'm a Little Teapot features twelve verses of the song.  The expanded verses tell about a teapot that dreams of visiting China and Mexico, swinging in the jungle, or playing with pirates at sea all the while waiting to be used to serve tea.  Fun!  Very colorful, and equally beautiful, this book makes me smile and sing!



  1. This is the copy of the book I have on my bookshelf. I've read it with the grandchildren many times. We, of course, sang along.

  2. Oh, goodness, now I'm gonna be humming that tune for a while ... !

  3. Well, who knew that the little teapot had such an adventurous spirit!

  4. What a fun collection of children's tea books you have. Do you bring them out when little ones come to tea at Sweet Remembrances? Seems I remember you used to have children's teas when school was closed for teacher's in-service days.

  5. I use to sell the older version. Now I am wanting this new version for my little Desmond.

  6. Always a favorite of mine so I have sold it for years at my shop.


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