
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tomato-Eyed Pyramids

Kim Hendrickson, author of the Tastefully Small Finger Sandwiches cookbook that features "easy party sandwiches for all occasions" has so graciously granted us permission to share one of her recipes. For additional information regarding Ms. Hendrickson, please visit her website, here. I've selected the Tomato-Eyed Pyramids to share.  It is a sandwich filling that mixes quickly in a food processor, is bursting with flavor, and can be used in so many ways; on a sandwich, as filling for bruschetta, or as a topping for hors d'oeuvre.  Ms. Hendrickson also added that this filling freezes nicely.

Tomato-Eyed Pyramids
1 c. oil-packed sun dried tomatoes, drained
12 oz. roasted sweet red peppers, drained
1 c. fresh basil leaves, packed
1/2 c. walnuts, toasted (I substituted pecans)
1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
2 large garlic cloves
1-1/2 tsp. freshly grated lemon peel
salt and pepper
1 loaf olive bread, unsliced

Chop all ingredients (except for the bread) in a food processor to make a coarse paste.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and set the mixture aside.

Cut the loaf into a crust less rectangle measuring 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 11 inches.  Freeze the loaf to make slicing easier.

Standing the loaf on the square end, cut the loaf in an "X" pattern into 4 triangular loaves.  Cut each loaf into 12 triangles, each 3/4 inch thick.  Cut a circle out of the center of each triangle using the round cutter.

Fill a pastry bag, fitted with the 3/4-inch round tip, with the tomato mixture.  Lay the bread triangles on a baking sheet lined with plastic wrap and pipe the filling in the holes you have just created.  The filling will cover any ragged edges, making a round red center.  Once filled, these sandwiches can be frozen in an airtight container for up to two weeks.  Bring to room temperature before serving.

Yield: enough filling for 32 sandwiches


  1. Oh My!Sounds like a book I would like to own.I was even thinking of having an Easter Tea for My family.Denise

  2. Oh yummy --- and so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the recipe. All the ingredients sound delicious!

    I'm enjoying your blog posts so much! Thank you!

  3. Sounds yummy! I'll have to keep this one in mind for the next time I invite my best friend over for tea.

  4. Interesting way of putting a sandwich together. The filling does sound good.


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