
Monday, May 6, 2013

Judy Larkin, The Tea Lady

We were delighted to welcome enthusiastic guest speaker Judy Larkin, The Tea Lady, from West Virginia for her presentation Tea With the Parlor Maid.  Her lively and spirited program shared why tea was an integral part of life for the working class. 

She explained the rules and hierarchical relationships that governed servants lives in the late-Edwardian era England, but also shared the "below stairs" life where tea may not have been enjoyed in silver teapots, but was enjoyed none the less. There were plenty of opportunities for merriment complete with music hall songs and colorful expressions.

Judy began her program lightly dusting the china displayed in the tea room.  If only she had stayed a little longer after her program to complete the dusting, it would have been a perfect day!

A special thank you to Judy for her delightful program. 


  1. She definitely looks the part! This would have been so much fun!

  2. What a adorable and fun speaker.

  3. Yes - then send her to my house! Looks like all had a great time!

  4. What a fabulous event for your guests!!

  5. I could use Judy and her feather duster around too! I love her facial expressions. I'm sure this was an amazing experience and so enjoyed by all!

    Gracious Hospitality

  6. I would have loved sitting there with the Parlour Maid. Can you send her my way to do a little dusting?


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