
Friday, June 7, 2013

Jack in the Pulpit

 This native woodland plant comes in a variety of shades and colors.  Another spring plant that hides its interesting flower under the leaves.   You can see how it came by the common name "Jack in the Pulpit"  I hope the sermons are inspiring for the wee folk.    After this perennial plant is done blooming it has a cluster of bright red seeds.   The lore is that the Indians would use the seeds in a meat stew,  the flavor would not be able to be discerned over the meat, and then they would run from an attacking tribe who would eat the meat and be very ill and possible die.  The Latin name is Arisaema triphyllum  and it prefers moist woodlands.


  1. I've really enjoyed your garden tour. Thank you for sharing with us. Gardeners have such great ideas and know how to create little surprises for everyone who views their little sanctuaries.

  2. What a great story! And this would also be a great subject for someone who writes children's books. I could just see the Jack in the Pulpit giving a kindly Sunday morning sermon!

  3. Thanks for the story. I will need to look closer to find them in the woods. They are very pretty.


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